Saturday, February 2, 2013

Defining Moments

There are times when I'm pumped up with enthusiastic about reaching goals that I've never achieve before, getting perfect results that I saw some brilliant people did it, but I've never experienced myself.
This is another time that I aimed, high, and imagined the moment if I get that results and I'm able to save so much money and make my parents proud. However, I did not really planned out my study schedule well, and I'm really unprepared for the coming exams on Monday la.

But just now, I remembered a term that Marc shared with me, it's called Defining Moment. Defining Moments are the moments and decisions that defines ourselves.
Everyone will face huge challenges and it's really difficult to overcome it, the process is just pure suffering and often at times, we would want to just take the easy way out -- to give up.
BUT if we persist through the challenges just this moment, if we just stay strong and keep on finding a way to do it, the end results would be a lot more different from the former situation. We not only can receive the fruits from the hardwork, even if we did not achieve as high as we want to, at least it's better than not getting anything.

Honestly, I think we are a bunch of lucky young people, because in this generation, we have all the resources and chances around us, WE JUST NEED TO HAVE THE GUTS TO DO IT.

So now, I'm going to study smart and make sure I get the most out of it! I already have allthe notes, tips, encouragement that I need, now I only need to get my butt moving! ;)

It doesn't matter what's our achievement or failures in the past,
It doesn't matter what are the challenges that lies before us,
What's most important is to believe that you can achieve your dreams, and go all out for it.
Nothing is impossible.